Infertility is a medical condition that touches all aspects of your life. It may affect your relationships with others, your perspective on life, and how you feel about yourself. How you deal with these feelings will depend on your personality and life experiences. Sometimes you feel as though you cannot confide in anyone who will understand what you are going through.
The practice of infertility counselling delivered by mental health and medical professionals has become more sophisticated and widespread over the past decade.
What is meant by counselling?
Counselling is an opportunity to explore any emotional difficulty, fears and anxieties, or distress that you might experience during your fertility journey. It can help you to cope, make choices, and change aspects of your situation. It doesn’t involve giving advice or direction to take a particular course of action; at times it may involve providing information.
Importance of IVF Counselling
The role of IVF Counselling is mainly to keep the individuals informed about all possibilities – regarding psychological, social and legal implications of donor treatments.
- IVF Treatment counselling offers a non-judgemental platform for patients to be clearer about their solutions and seek what they find best.
- It facilitates decision making regarding the treatment and whether or not they wish to continue it.
- It offers them an advanced approach towards their confusions and questions, giving therapeutic support to address the problem maturely.
- The acceptance, loss, grief, future planning and interpersonal problems are faced and ethics are taken into rational thinking.
Who should go for IVF Counseling?
Some patients are advised to attend IVF Counseling. They can be the following:
- People need to understand what they are about to do and how to understand and cope with the effects and implications of the treatment.
- If the treatment is successful, this counselling helps them understand the role of parents and cope with new challenges.
- The patients must accept that the treatment does not work all the time. There is no guarantee for this. This is why counselling is important so that they are prepared for any outcome or failed attempts. Such failures may results in feelings like frustration, hurt, disappointment, hopelessness and depression among couples. Counselling can help with this and make them decide whether they want to try again.
- Counselling usually offers the patients an option of trying again a few months later after a failed attempt. It takes time to recover from stress. This time can give them open discussions. They can discuss with the IVF doctors about why they failed so that. the possible reasons why the treatment was unsuccessful so that they can improve their chances of success the next time.
- Sometimes it also ends in a pregnancy loss or miscarriage. This is also something couples should be prepared for and counselling helps them with this.
- Counselling helps patients consider other options as well. They can also reflect on surrogacy, oocyte donation, sperm donation or adoption.
Warning Signals To Seek Help of Fertility Counselor :
Consider counselling if you are feeling depressed, anxious, or so preoccupied with your infertility that you feel it is hard to live your life productively and to seek necessary information about treatment. You also may want to seek the assistance of a counsellor if you are feeling “stuck” and need to explore your options. Not all will have the same signs but the below are some warning signals that indicate the need of a fertility Counselor.:
- persistent feelings of sadness, guilt, or worthlessness
- social isolation
- loss of interest in usual activities and relationships
- depression
- agitation and/or anxiety
- mood swings
- constant preoccupation with infertility
- marital problems
- difficulty with “scheduled” intercourse
- difficulty concentrating and/or remembering
- increased use of alcohol or drugs
- a change in appetite, weight, or sleep patterns
- thoughts about suicide or death
Counselling at Aaradhya Fertility Centre is a confidential and supportive service that you can access at any time before, during or after your fertility treatment. Information you disclose is confidential and will not be fed back to any other member of Aaradhya Fertility staff. Appointments can be made by calling our team on +91 8886592229 or reach out to us at
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