When it comes to birth control, many women are left with a common question: Does using hormonal contraception affect fertility once they decide to start a family? The good news is that the answer is a resounding no! In fact, most women see their...
For many couples trying to conceive, unexplained infertility can be a frustrating and heartbreaking experience. Did you know that ovulatory disorders affect about 15% of all infertile couples and 40% of infertile women? While some women may appear to ovulate normally, subtle issues in...
Fertility preservation is an area of immense interest in today’s society. The most effective and established means of fertility preservation is the cryopreservation of gametes (sperm and oocytes) and embryos. Cryopreservation is the process of storage of viable biological samples in a frozen state...
A miscarriage is a pregnancy that has ended unexpectedly. Also known as spontaneous abortion, a miscarriage is usually not preventable. This is because the factors leading to most miscarriages like fetus development problems and chromosomal abnormalities are unavoidable. However, there are some steps you...
Secondary infertility can come as an unwelcome surprise for couples who have previously managed to conceive naturally and give birth without fertility issues. Every woman experience pregnancy differently. Moreover, a woman can experience all her pregnancies distinctly. Some couples face uncommon issues during their...
Having their own baby can be the dream of many but there are several reasons many couples are deprived of this bundle of joy. Twenty million couples in India suffer from infertility. But thanks to science and technology where Impossible is turning into Possible....
Infertility isn’t too uncommon and happens to be a major cause of distress among couples. It can occur due to several physiological factors, in addition to poor lifestyle habits, and more, and can have severe emotional implications. Aside from causing emotional stress, it also...
One knows that there are several causes of male and female infertility. From hormonal imbalance and damage in organs to a certain number of infections, infertility is supposedly taken to be temporary. One may think that with all the medical advances we have come...
IVF is often considered an expensive treatment, and the amount of emotional stress and anxiety that a couple goes through while undergoing an IVF treatment is inexplicable. IVF failures can cause depression at times, and no couple wants to go through the dilemma of...
Fertility, as a concept, has been hogging the limelight for quite some time now, especially in regards to individuals that are trying to start with family planning. That said, while there are doctors to treat conditions pertaining to infertility and other similar issues, people...
Approximately 15-30% of couples experiencing infertility are diagnosed as having unexplainedinfertility. This makes it one of the greatest causes of infertility. When infertile couples orindividuals have undergone all appropriate tests, and no cause for their infertility isfound, they are diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Unexplained...
According to WHO estimates, more than 180 million people worldwide have Diabetes. And this number is likely to be doubled by 2030. Diabetes is a condition where the body cannot keep blood sugar levels in the normal range. There are three types: Type 1...
Thyroid disorders are conditions that affect the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland in thefront of the neck. The two main types of thyroid disease are hypothyroidism andhyperthyroidism. Both conditions can be caused by other diseases that impact the way thethyroid gland works. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can...
One of the leading causes of infertility in women today is diminished ovarian reserve (DOR).DOR is characterized by a low number of eggs in a woman’s ovaries and/or poor quality ofthe remaining eggs, which boils down to impaired development of the existing eggs, even...
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus. Early in pregnancy, at the first prenatal appointment, the doctor will typically perform a vaginal ultrasound to confirm two things:1) the gestational age of the pregnancy,...
Approximately 15% of all couples worldwide suffer from infertility, which means a whopping 48.5 million couples. Infertility has been ranked as the 5th highest disability globally among women under 50, according to an article by the World Health Organisation. Some women have difficulty conceiving...
Many couples who decide to start a family are shocked when they aren’t able to get pregnantright away. Accepting infertility may be a big step, but one in six couples struggle withinfertility. Infertility is a medical condition that is time-sensitive. As per today’s lifestyle,postponed...
Male infertility refers to the inability to generate enough sperm count or enough good quality sperm which can fertilize the women’s egg/oocytes. Treatments for male infertility may be based on the underlying cause of the problem, or in the case of no identified problem,...
Infertility is “the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse.” If you’ve tried to get pregnant on your own with no results, it may be time to evaluate your fertility risk factors and seek targeted treatment options that can reverse female...
According to a study on the infertility rate in India, it is estimated that nearly 27.5 million couples who are actively trying to conceive suffer from infertility. What many don’t realize is that couples ages 29-33 with normal functioning reproductive systems only have a 20-25%...
The inability to give birth to a child when desired is a very personal and stressful experience. With so much information about fertility, it can be difficult to determine what is true or false. Here are a few misconceptions explained. Though medical science has...
Past research has associated stress with several health problems, including heart disease, asthma, obesity and depression. Now, a new study suggests stress can reduce sperm and semen quality, which could have implications for male fertility. Male infertility is quite widespread and up to 50%...
One in six couples suffers from some form of infertility issue globally. If you have been trying for a baby unsuccessfully for over a year, it might be best if you talk to a fertility expert. In recent years fertility treatments have enabled millions...
Being able to create life is undeniably one of the most beautiful gifts bestowed on women, but it also comes with a very loud and constantly ticking clock. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find a woman who’s not uncomfortably aware of her...
Infertility is a medical condition that can cause psychological, physical, mental, spiritual, and medical detriments to the patient. The unique quality of this medical condition involves affecting both male and female. Infertility becomes emotional roller coaster for many women, and for Indian women, the hell is multiplied, for...
Cancer is the most dangerous problems anyone can face. The most common cancers in girls and young women are Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukaemia, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, or gynecologic cancers (cervix, uterus, or ovary). Most of these cancers can be treated with...
Conventional IVF and ICSI are two common techniques to achieve fertilization. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) has long been used for the treatment of infertility. IVF treatment has been long in use to fertilize human eggs outside of the body and it is usually the first...
Female infertility can be caused by several reasons such as ovarian cysts, pelvic infections, endometriosis, chronic medical illnesses, etc. One of the most common reasons behind female infertility is a blockage in her fallopian tubes. The fallopian tube is the passageway for the egg...
Miscarriage or loss of pregnancy is a common occurrence around the globe. According to official data, about 10 to 20 per cent of known or unknown pregnancies end in miscarriage. Miscarriage is an emotional and often traumatic time. No matter how much you try...
The moment a couple decides to have a baby, tracking the ovulation schedule becomes crucial! This is because the chances of conception are present only when a woman is ovulating. Knowing the details about ovulation cycles and having a basic understanding of determining the...
Premature ovarian failure which is now known as premature ovarian insufficiency is a condition in which a woman’s ovaries produces fewer eggs than they are generally supposed to produce. Does it affect pregnancy? Ovaries have two million follicles at the time of birth and...
Endometriosis is a gynaecological condition, in which the endometrium starts depositing on the ovaries, peritoneum, vagina, rectum or the pelvic lining. Endometrial tissues are made up of connective tissues, blood cells and glands. In time, these tissues start to break down and thicken and...
Timely intercourse and getting all the elements aligned for ovulation day isn’t always enough to conceive a baby. Sometimes, your little swimmers may fall behind, not quite managing to reach the egg released by your partner. Else sometimes there may be a situation where the...
PCOS or Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an endocrine system disorder that affects a woman’s hormone level, however, it is still often misdiagnosed or misunderstood, leading many women to suffer in silence. Firstly, PCOS causes skips in menstrual periods. Secondly, it may negatively impact the...
IVF treatment i.e. In Vitro Fertilization treatment has revolutionized the world of medicine and ultimately the world of all those who could not conceive. The process of IVF can be a daunting one for many couples – it takes a toll on them physically,...
Infertility is a medical condition that touches all aspects of your life. It may affect your relationships with others, your perspective on life, and how you feel about yourself. How you deal with these feelings will depend on your personality and life experiences. Sometimes...
Women are not the only people suffering from infertility issues. One-third to one-half of the total registered infertility cases are due to a malefactor. Male infertility is of much concern these days. We will be focusing on the key reasons for male infertility and probable ways...
Finding ways to boost infertility is not a big puzzle, it certainly can be achieved without any professional supervision. You need to only follow a healthy routine, maintain certain body weight, and keep a track record of your ovulation peak. It may be harder...
Whether you want to lose weight, improve heart health, or boost your fertility, there seems to be a diet for everything in this day. Nutrition not only influences ovulation and fertilization but also implantation and early fetal development. If you’re planning to become parents,...
The thyroid is a small gland located in your neck. Its job is to control your body’s metabolism — the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy — through the hormones it releases. Located in the front of...
IUI – Intrauterine Insemination is considered the first-line treatment for unexplained infertility, mild endometriosis, or mild male factor infertility. An IUI is a type of artificial insemination in which sperm is injected directly into your uterine cavity near the time of ovulation. IUI is a relatively simple...
4 Things you need to know before considering IVF When you’re trying to conceive, in vitro fertilization can bring you one step closer to getting pregnant. Getting an IVF done is not the first or natural choice for any couple desiring to have a...
More than 80% of couples in the general population will conceive within 1 year if they don’t use contraception and have sex regularly. If you have just started trying to conceive or trying for a while then you must keep certain things in mind....
Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months or more of unprotected intercourse. About one in nine couples experience fertility difficulties. There are many reasons for this, some relating to the male partner and some to female partner. Assisted reproductive technology...
In the past 30 years, male obesity in reproductive-age men has nearly tripled which is adversely affecting male fertility. Severe health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bone problems, obstructive sleep apnea, cancer and infertility have been linked to BMI....
What Everybody Ought to Know About Male Infertility As per the new records by many surveying agencies, it is proven that 15% of the total couples in India are not able to conceive. Even after continuous attempts, many fail to have a child....
Male infertility also has psychological health implications and you don’t want to take a risk in this matter. Diabetes is considered to be a health issue that can affect male fertility along with other bodily functions. Fertility specialists at Aaradhya Fertility Center, Vizag are...
Couples who are facing failures in conceiving even after trying for more than a year should definitely seek an expert opinion from an entrust fertility specialist. Even if they are not attempting for a child immediately but have a plan of starting a family...
Egg freezing is scientifically known as oocyte cryopreservation, this is a medical procedure that is used to save a woman’s ability to get pregnant in the future. Eggs harvested from a woman’s ovaries are frozen unfertilized and stored for use in the future. After...
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI is an assisted fertilization process, very similar to conventional IVF. The difference between the two procedures is the method of achieving fertilization. ICSI involves a laboratory procedure where a single sperm is picked up with a fine glass needle...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common hormone disorder that occurs amongst women an there is no single test that confirms the presence of the condition in someone’s body. Often doctors may ask the patient about the problems they are facing physically and may ask...
Diagnosis of a fertility-related issue can be overwhelming and taking the decision of going through with an IVF treatment, is even more difficult. Many women struggle to imagine how they would cope with the side effects associated with conventional IVF. The only reassuring thing...
How to prepare for IVF? Many young couples these days, even after spending more than a year planning to conceive a baby, are unable to do so. This inability to conceive naturally is caused due to infertility, which can be in the female or...
IVF Facts that you need to know and no one tells you about. IVF or in vitro fertilization is probably the most popularly known process of assisted reproductive technology. But, the question lies as to how many of us who are suffering from infertility,...
We visited several doctors. 2 years later met madam. My wife had undergone IVF, she conceived and now her due date is in April. Madam helped us in all ways. She is good doctor and good human being. We thank each and every one...
My wife Niharika conceived spontaneously and her first pregnancy was uneventful. We are blessed with a baby girl. Three of us, with our parents and brother’s family were very happy. Our child was 6 years old, Niharika was having difficulty in conceiving….. Surprisingly, my...
ME and My Husband and a son , three of us were very happy. Thought of having a second child is there for year, but we were not blessed with second child. Year passed………………and I reached 35 years. For my sons wish of having...
7 years of marriage. I am a person, who was in the impression that I will remain childless always. To my boon… luck… destiny, I met Dr. Saritha and conceived through IVF. We can’t even think about IVF, but she supported us in all...
“Very supportive environment” Lirish and me were very happy about madam Dr. Sarita and staff at AARADHYA. Thank you madam for your support during our 2 months of treatment. We put on hold everything in life, henceforth we both will move forward in life...
Gratitude from couple family 8 years passed. Visited AARADHYA Conceived with IUI in first cycle. Words are less but heartful thanks to Madam…. RAMA/DEMUDU
“Every childless couple should know” Years passed…… We are left child less…. Took treatment elsewhere, in despair….. Come to Aaradhya took IVF first attempt conceived, there was no end to our joy, but it ended in miscarriage. Took treatment again conceived, now I am...
We are married for 2 years, but we have been trying since one year only took simple medication and advise from madam and conceived. Thank you madam!
“Unbelievable Both me and my husband are on higher side of BMI, both of us are working. We tried with medications and injections for one month it was not successful. Lost little patience because of our work and repeated clinic visits. But with madam’s...
Married for 6 years. Visited Aaradhya after hearing from one of our friend After going through all our reports, Dr. Saritasuresh suggested IVF. We were very hesitant, thoughtful to spend our earnings for IVF. To our luck, or destiny madam hand conceived in first...
Our first 2 years of love marriage was very happy. Then pinch of not having kids started in 3rd year. It turned out to be a social pressure in 4th year. Tried IUI at Aaradhya. It was not fruitful. With one medication I did not responded...
8 years of waiting to conceive. My suffering with Endometriosis…………….. With pain of moving from one doctor to another doctor……………. My luck, and met Dr.SARITHA Garu at AARADHYA. I thought IVF means success, but first attempt was not fruitful at AARADHYA. Lost hope, started...
Our Story about Quality & Care “When the world says, ‘Give up,’ Hope whispers, ‘Try one more time.’” ...
Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection Intra Cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure in which a single sperm cell is injected directly into the cytoplasm of an egg. This technique is used in order to prepare the gametes for the obtention...
How IVF Works?Let’s Begin… Infertility affects 1 in 8 couples worldwide. But in the last 40 years, more than 5 million babies have been born using in vitro fertilization (IVF). How does it work? Nassim Assefi and Brian A. Levine detail the science behind...
Mrs. Bharathi & Mr. Vemayya have been a married couple. Their married life has been a dream come true, except for their attempt to have kids. After multiple attempts to have children going vain, they visited our facility in Visakhapatnam, eager and with...
Mrs. Pramila and her husband Mr. Vishveswara Rao have been married for 3 years. Wanting children, they visited Dr. Vijaya Harsha who immediately referred them to Dr. Sarita Suresh . She states in her letter , “We had a...
Nagalakshmi and her husband have been a married couple, their married life has been a dream come true, except for their attempt to have kids. After multiple attempts to have children going vain, they visited our facility in Visakhapatnam, eager and with an anticipation to get answers to...
Mr. & Mrs. Varma have been a married couple, their married life has been a dream come true, except for their attempt to have kids. After multiple attempts to have children going vain, Mr. & Mrs. Varma visited our facility in Visakhapatnam, eager and with an anticipation to...
Saraswathi & her husband are a happily married couple who have been unfortunate to have been caught up with infertility. Ever since their first visit, Dr. Saritha has been interacting to understand and carry out the treatment and Saraswathi & her husband have had their dream of having kids...
Venkatesh and his wife are a happily married couple who have been unfortunate to have been caught up with infertility. Ever since their first visit to Aaradhya, Dr. Saritha has been interacting to understand and carry out the treatment and venkatesh and his wife...
Sowjanya & Venkat are a happily married couple who have been unfortunate to have been caught up with infertility. Ever since their first visit, Dr. Saritha has been interacting to understand and carry out the treatment and Sowjanya & Venkat have had their dream...
Sowjanya & Karthik are a happily married couple who have been unfortunate to have been caught up with infertility. Ever since their first visit, Dr. Saritha has been interacting to understand and carry out the treatment and Sowjanya & Karthik have had their dream of having kids come true....
Dhanalakshmi & Vishwanath have been a married couple for the last Three Years. Their married life has been a dream come true, except for their attempt to have kids. After multiple attempts to have children going vain, Dhanalakshmi & Vishwanath visited our facility in Visakhapatnam, eager and with an anticipation to get...
Lakshmi Prasanna & Rama Raju have been a married couple for the last Two and a Half years. Their married life has been a dream come true, except for their attempt to have kids. After multiple attempts to have children going vain, Prasanna & Rama Raju visited our facility in...
Eswaramma & Sattibabu are one such Happy Couple whose life has been the most perfect except for the fact that they have been having issues with having kids. When their attempts to have children went vain, Eswaramma & Sattibabu visited our facility in Visakhapatnam, eager and with...
Rohini & Suresh have been a married couple for the last 5 years. Everything in their married life has been a dream come true, except for their attempt to have kids, who could carry on their family legacy for the future generations. After multiple attempts...
Infertility Infertility is the inability of a sexually active, non -contracepting couple to achieve spontaneous pregnancy in one year .(World Health Organization, 2010) Dwelling into the insights of Infertility, Dr Sarita clearly articulates the various aspects of Infertility covering the Problem of Infertility, Causes, History and Examination/Diagnosis. To understand...
Fertility : Problems & Treatment Infertility is not a common discussion, and yet it’s more prevalent than you might think. Reports state that one in every ten women experience infertility. Infertility can be surprising and overwhelming for couples, and its personal nature keeps it...
Studies have shown that people with a high BMI – especially Indians – tend to have a correspondingly high fat percentage. Normally, the body needs fat for many critical processes. However, when the fat becomes more than necessary, it is termed as “Obesity” – now...
“A loved one is not the one who understands your happiness. But is the one who can guess your sadness and try to remove it, or make you free of the problem in the best possible manner. It’s...
“Everybody loving me & I received a lot of love from my parents,my siblings,from my near and dear & from my loving husband. But when time came to flow the love love my child..After some years of my wedding....
Sterilization is the most common contraceptive method utilized by couples in the United States. Approximately 27% of fertile women choose tubal sterilization as their method of contraception. About half of these surgeries are performed within 48 hours post-partum and the other half as interval...
For many women, knowing when conception is possible can aid in achieving or avoiding pregnancy. Fertility varies on a regular cycle for most women, while most men are fertile continuously. If you have never been diagnosed by a medical professional as infertile, there are...
Five Methods: Minimize Physical and Chemical Fertility Interference. Eat to Increase Male Fertility. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle. Get a Professional Consultation. Natural remedies to increase Sperm count. Male fertility can depend largely on modifiable factors, such as diet, lifestyle, sexual habits, and occupational exposures....